Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tampa Theater Anna Marie's EVPs

I got these strange squeaks on my tape. They always seemed to be around the time I am looking for a response. But being the proverbial kid that has to know why, I tried taping on the rest of the tape. I have never gotten a noise like this before but I was trying to see if it could be a recorder machine noise. I used the same tape and the same batteries. I taped for about an hour. I didn't and could reproduce the noise. I even snorted into the machine. I have had this stuffy nose thing going on so I wanted to see if the noise could be recreated by any abnormal breathing pattern. But I have not after three hours of trying been able to recreate the noise. I got about ten of them on the tape at the Tampa Theater. Anyone wishing to hear these please e-mail me at Pandooora@aol.com and I will be happy to send them to you.
Anna Marie

1 comment:

Anna Marie said...

Okay, even though I have shots of the basement between these shots, when run through Irfanview it says the pictures are taken 3 minutes apart. Personally I can explain that. But if they were taken so close together then this could have been just a picture of a club member... boohoo and I was all excited...lol