We had a great investigation at Myrtle Hill Memorial Gardens on Sunday. Almost 50 attended. It as a near perfect day and while it is only just over 24 hrs since our visit, several attendees have reported some interesting experiences that occurred. If you have some pictures or more to share, please click on the COMMENT link below and let us know what you thought of the event and about your experience.
Sunday, April 19 was the date of the visit. April 12 was Easter Sunday, on March 22 we had a FREE cook out at Phillippe Park, on March 13 over 40 attended an investigation of the Belleview Biltmore before they close for over two years. Since January you should have received over 20 emails from me and of course, this blog has been updated as required.
We have a group of 14 going to Gettysburg the end of May and have put together a trip to Andersonville/Camp Sumpter in South Georgia the end of June. (PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP, as we will have to release rooms at the haunted Windsor Hotel soon if not reserved - get details here) We also have a planned campout investigation to Pat's Island in the Ocala National Forest in early August. This was the location of a post office, small settlement, cemetery, and large sinkhole, also the Yearling Trail.
Our next event will be on the American Victory Ship in downtown Tampa on Saturday, May 9 from 7-11 PM.
With all of this going on I received this email yesterday afternoon:
Hi Bill. I know you are busy but what is happening with the club. Several of us are very dissapointed. There never seems to be any investigations. I myself have only been to the Trelis Clinic. There has to be more to it than that. Is no one contacting you for assisstance with activity? Please don't take it the wrong way. It's just that I expected something....(Name withheld)
The Tampa Chamber of Commerce charges over $350 per year to join, plus costs to attend their events. They have a full time staff of over 10 to organize their events. We charge $25 to join - once- and you get a t-shirt (the Chamber doesn't even give you a t-shirt)
Tampa Ghost Watchers is quite possibly the largest paranormal group in the US with almost 200 members now. We do our best to provide you with plenty of events of every type and cost. Thank you to everyone that helps to make our events successful and to keep us operating smoothly. But if you are expecting events 7 days a week/24hours a day you can expect poorly organized events, plenty of repeats, and the need for a lot more money to be spent on a full time staff. The experience of paranormal investigations can be exciting, BUT if ghost hunting represents your entire social and event calendar, then maybe you need to get some help.
I love the picture of the stain glass inside one of the mausoleums. I thought they were beautiful. did anyone else see the rolls royce decorated mausoleum?
I had a great time at Myrtle Hill! I attempted to get some EVP's ... got a couple, however, definitely a grade C... the wind was rather strong so it was difficult. It was also nice meeting our "out of town guests" We had someone as far as Jacksonville attend. To briefly change the subject.... I joined this group right before the last visit to Trelles Clinic. I've been on several investigations and am very happy with the group. It is very well organized and personally i think there are plenty of events!!! Thanks Bill for your hard work and organization of the events. I'm sure I speak for everyone... we appreciate you!!
Eileen Q.
Bill ... I think what the person who wrote the email was trying to say was that they were hoping to be divided into small groups and be sent to persons that contact you with a need for a paranormal investigation. Small groups would be a great adventure with high hopes of solving or at least attempting to solve a paranormal situation such as a family experiencing some activity maybe on their property or in their home etc. It would be great fun to have very small groups once in awhile instead of everyone going together at once. Thanks
It seems you got upset and it seems that person was not trying to do that i am sure running the club and work takes a lot out of you , Some of us would be glad to help if you need any, and I think as the other that this person may have been talking about small investigations, homes,business that type. Perhaps that is only for people with more experience? Since Trelles clinic, I have known of the Biltmore, and the cemetery.So maybe Eileen is going to some that are small groups,I'm not talking weekly, just once in a while, we would like. I have been going to meetings and in the club since last June. I also attended the Cuban Club with different guest speaking on different topics.I will keep this anonymous for now.
As I read these post ,I am very supprised that members of the group do not know that the Tampa Ghost Watchers IS broken down into teams and every member is assigned on an investigate team.
If you don't know what team you are on, please contact me and I will find out for you.
This is what the problem is...as it is the same with all paranormal investigative groups. .......We have to wait until someone contacts the Tampa Ghost Watchers seeking help with their paranormal problems. Peolpe that are experiencing these events are usually very hesitant to call in outsiders to discuse these events for fear of what will be thought of them. (like them being mentally ill). These "in home investigations" are not something that can be solicited for.
Each team has been assigned a residential investigation and the last one my team had was 1 year ago. The home owner was concerned that "thrill seekers" would stomp through his home, without the best intrest of his family in mind. I have been attempting to schedule a follow up to pass to another team, however have to wait until the home owner is ready. So far, he's not ready.
As a residential investigation comes in, Bill assigns it to the next team in line so that each team gets a chance .Every member of that team can attend that investigation.
So, as we all wait for the phone to ring with someone with a haunted house, Bill schedules paranormal investigations to educate new members and create involvement... I have been to every event Bill has scheduled with exception to the Biltmore, and have experienced paranormal evidence at each location.
My hat is off to Bill for the dedication and effort he puts forth for the TGW.
As members of this group, I would invite each of you to attempt to locate a residential or business location for investigation and pass it on to Bill.
Thanks Spirit Horse... you answered a lot of questions... and I hope that everyone else understands this, for what it is meant to be.... an adventure to all.. maybe different for each one of us!!
Spirit Horse ... I think you answered the original email sent to Bill and you did it very respectfully. I really don't think the person expected to do ghost hunting 24/7 and it was rude to tell them that "maybe they should get some help". Spirit Horse ... Sir - You are a gentleman. Thank you!
I stand by my comments.
In the last few years I have had so many great experiences with the Tampa Ghostwatchers in a variety of settings from Savannah GA to St Augustine FL and many local & historical sites in between. I can't imagine a more intriguing hobby with more fascinating & spirited beings...on both sides of the veil. There are always little things that can & do go awry,especially when large groups gather. But overall, instead of criticisms, I want to say thank you, thank you Bill...for all you have done and continue to do. I can't make all the events, but I am so looking forward to the next one I can attend, especially Gettysburg. How cool is that !
Spirit Horse... where do we contact you to find out what team we're on? I'm just curious because I don't know what team I'm on.
TEAMS - please see out post previously here http://tampaghostwatchers.blogspot.com/2008/06/team-sign-ups.html
Well, it appears that I have ruffled some feathers, for this I apologize, it was not my intention. Having said that, I would like to point out that my e-mail to Bill was directed to him alone, it was an innocent question that I had, and not just me alone. My point is that it should have been considered private otherwise; I would have posted it on the blog for all to read. I am very disappointed; my privacy should have been respected. I specifically asked not to take my question the wrong way, DID I NOT?
I have been on two investigations in several months, I work 12hr shifts mainly on the weekend so the comment about finding a life outside of Ghost Watchers, and not focusing on it 24/7, ( by the way, this record needs changing, it as gotten old and over used.)
All I requested was to go in small groups, maybe to homes or businesses from time to time. I have no problem going on out of town investigations, once in a while. Unfortunately, these are expensive and money is tight. As for the comment about the free investigation to Myrtle Hill, who wants to stand around in the heat of the day with 50 other people? Sorry, but that is not ghost hunting. I did not join the club to become a broke tourist ghost hunter. Now!!! You can take this the wrong way if you choose; it’s only a question that’s on some people’s mind. To visit the ship it is usually around $10, you are charging $25, is this how you cover your investigations on all of your out of town investigations, and yes there are many? As for refunding the dues, please feel free to “SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DON’T SHINE”
FOLLOWUP: I posted your email to generate discussion, which it did. Your name was not attached until now. To receive a request to have an investigation less than 24 hours after we just had one was most annoying to me as an organizer. We have teams but sometimes they do not followthrough (Team leaders have jobs and other events in their lives too) AND sometimes the home owner is not ready for us to come back (As they have jobs, visiting relatives, and lives too) Most investigative groups are quite smal and if you ask why it is usually due to petty bickering over this kind of stuff. We got some great feed back from the people that investigated Myrtle Hill. If you chose not to attend so be it.
Regarding the cost to attend the American Victory ship. I owe you NO explanation. However, just so you clearly no, this is a private event on the ship. It has a set cost whether one attends or 100. So when I make the commitment, I am on the hook for the amount. Period. In this case the American Victory ship was willing to offset part of the cost of our visit with an ad in our newspaper at a standard ad rate of $450. AND I will be paying additonal funds as well. SO just so you all know, while your $25 is appreciated, additional costs for this event are being supplemented by the Davis Islands Community News through an advertising trade. What do you think it costs to reserve a 455 foot historic ship for a private group for 4 hours with
several staff members costs ?
We welcome every member, but if you do not want to participate in our investigations or do not want to be a member, so be it.
As far as I know, there is no other "ghost hunting club" out there that provides what Bill does. You, Sharon, should be appreciative of the opportunities he arranges for his members. He offers access to amazing locations, informative seminars with top people in the paranormal field, all for a one time $25 membership fee. Of course he charges for these events, they have expenses involved. And would you begrudge him having his expenses covered at these events? He does all the work to arrange them.
I could go on, but I won't. I've made my point.
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