Monday, September 17, 2007

St. Aughostine Rain?

Right now, The weather isn’t looking to good for St. Aughostine for Friday and Saturday hopefully that will change. How much stuff is outside? Didn’t know if I needed to buy rain gear or not? Didn’t know if it’s a ONWARD TROOPS WE ARE TAKING THAT HILL! Or a Snuggle up in the big room, burn the hotel chairs for a camp fire and tell ghost stories while it rains, or if you could post something about in case of rain we are doing this …..

Also, Oct 5-7 they are having Necronomicon, like a smaller version of Dragon Con I think. Never been to this. Carrie and I will be going Saturday of that weekend to check it out. This is the 26th year, but I had never heard of it before.

Tampa's Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Convention
Hyatt Downtown Tampa


Fiona said...

Hey Jesse,
I just looked up some St Augustine weather info & you're so right....there could be quite a bit of rain that might not lessen until Sunday. That will be a bummer for our outdoor photos & videos....but rain or shine....I'm really excited about our upcoming weekend. I'll be bringing my raincoat. Thanks for the heads up !
Check out the St AuGhostine info for the schedule re:outdoor events. (It's mostly walking to & from...but the Hugenot cemetery is obviously outside. Maybe by then the rain will diminish;hope so !
Se ya this weekend !

Jesse said...

Looks like the chance dropped from 60% to 30-40%. Wish that tempature would drop a little more with it.