Friday, January 18, 2008

Belleview Biltmore

Hey Everyone,
As a few of you might know I am a Belleview Biltmore addict. My Mom is coming into town in February and I wanna drag her butt there.
I have been talking to the director of the Belleview Biltmore, Orlando Ghost tours and he is setting up an over night investigation for me on March 1st. The cost is usually $75 for the over night. It starts at 9pm and ends at 1am to 2am. If people get a room they allow 4 in a room and it lowers the cost of the investigation. The cost of the room is $200 for the first two people and $60 for the other two additional. The investigation is included in the cost of the room. So four people would be $320. I have never gone to the Biltmore without witnessing a lot of activity and would love to invite the group to join me. Anyone with questions can call me or Emilio. If you call Emilio directly let him know you got the information from Anna Marie so he will know what you are talking about. My number is 813-412-1747 and Emilio can be reached at(407) 247-0452. The event wont be on the web site until a few weeks before. I can assure you that it will happen.
Let me know what you think
Anna Marie


Chrisnuzzo76 said...

My name is Chris Nuzzo and I live about 3-4 miles from the Belleview Biltmore and have worked in that building a few times. I am a telephone repair man and had a few calls there about a year ago. Unfortunatly I wasn't aware it was the haunted Hotel I heard about when I was a kid. If I would have known I would have given myself the grand tour to hopefully see some ghosts. Did you ever go on your tour?

Guitargal said...

What ever happened on your tour? My husband and I did the early tour there and captured quite a number of orbs following me. (That happens a lot, actually). But then my husband and I got married at the Biltmore and had a great room there for the night. At about 2 am he and I went for a walk with out camera. The place was quiet and we overheard the night guards talking to the guy at the front desk about roaming the hallways. The guy at the front desk said, 'Well, don't use that elevator' and pointed to the elevator that is supposed to be haunted by Massie. (Is that how you spell her name?). Well when we looked at the elevator, it was on the first floor then my husband tried to convince me that we should ride it. It was not in service when we had our ghost tour there, but there were no signs on it that night. By the time he had convinced me to go on it, it was on the 5th floor. (the deserted, haunted floor). So we waited for it and we got on it. I was a little chicken, I admit it, so I pushed the 2 button so we could get off at the very next floor. But while riding the elevator, I gently said 'Hello' and 'How are you' etc. trying to be nice. The doors opened and my husband and I got out, we looked to the left and then to the right (trying to decide which way we wanted to go). Then we walked a good 3/4 down the hallway and then all of a sudden we heard a heavenly sweet voice say 'Good night'. My husband and I both wipped our heads around at the same time to see if there was someone near us. There wasn't. Her voice had surrounded us. It sounded like it came from in front of us and next to us and behind us. Then ....the elevator doors closed. Those doors took A LONG time to close. We even walked back and made sure there was no one around us.
The next moring we rode the elevator again but the hotel was buzzing with people. This time we noticed when we got off the elevator at the second floor, we took maybe 4 steps and the elevator doors closed right away.

I've been trying to find the story of the Biltmore Ghosts. I have awesome books about Haunted St. Augustin and Haunted Las Vegas. Does anyone know any good Haunted Tampa Bay books?

Anonymous said...

Okay well my dad and I went to check out the place because we live not to far away from it. Well last night we went to the forth floor and I got RLLY scared because the lights were on and they are not supposed to be. Well we went back tonight and we walked all the way down right. Then all of a sudden we heard a scream and we LEFT! Then outside when we looked at the forth floor...the lights were OFF! We are going back tomorrow with a few friends.

Anonymous said...

I stayed there with my husband 5/30/09. We had stayed there earlier in the year for Valentine's Day as well. We stayed on the 3rd floor Valentine's Day and the 2nd floor 5/30/09 - which was the last public day before the closing. Nothing happened during either of the stays. On 5/30, we were lucky enough to walk the halls in the dark on the 5th floor (there were a couple unlocked access areas), with only the light from my camera flash. A lot of other people had the same idea as us - walking around and taking photos 'til at least 5am. I took loads of photos in all of the deserted rooms and hallways on the 5th floor, and throughout the rest of the hotel as well. Nothing unusual happened. Then on 5/31, our check-out day, we walked the halls one more time. Nothing happened, but after we got home, I noticed that 3 of the photos I took that day turned out weird - sort of distorted. But it was a series of photos I took through a window on the 3rd floor of the water and the condos across the street. The window may have had a curve in the glass. My photos of the condos had a distorted spot in 3 photos, and there was either a reflection of light or a misty haze in spots all over each of those photos. The condos looked as if the balcony was curved, when it was in fact straight. My camera angle changed for all 3 shots, but that distorted spot was in the same spot on the balcony in 2 of the shots. Pretty strange, but I really think that it was due to the fact that I was shooting through a window and into the sunlight. It was an amazing stay, and I have to admit that the 5th floor exploration was the best part.

Andy said...

I stayed at the Belleview Biltmore in May of 2008 for 1 week. I’m an insurance fraud investigator by trade & I was there for a week long insurance fraud training. My profession being one of investigation, makes me very skeptical regarding outl&ish stories & things unproven. Further, I grew up in a Christian home & my father is a Baptist minister, so I never really believed in this sort of thing. But after a week at the place, though, let me tell you, there is definitely something…not right, at the Belleview.

After the first day of our training, on Monday, our training instructors held a reception in the courtyard by the pool in the afternoon after classes. There was a group of us from Miami & as we were drinking, one of the instructors walked toward our table & asked, “Have you guys seen that woman looking down at us?” “We all looked up at a window on what I believed was the fourth floor, & there she was, a woman in what looked to be a white dress looking down at us. We all just kept staring up there & after a while, she appeared to back from the window & we didn’t see her again. Later that evening, I was told the story of the bride who had jumped from the balcony upon hearing of her husb&-to-be’s death. & the worst thing, I was staying on the third floor, my room one floor down & a couple of windows over from where we had seen the woman!

Later, our group attempted to get into the upper floors above my wing, but the staircases are closed off & there was no possible access above. During the first night, all I could hear what appeared to me to be footsteps & noises from above me. It really frightened me, & although I’m a grown man, I finally was able to get to sleep by turning ALL the lights in my room on.

Tuesday was uneventful. But Wednesday was the day that made a true believer out of me. We ended classes & our group went out to eat. When we came back, our group, especially one of the more mischievous guys in the group, Victor, were really trying to get into the upper floors & the basement. One of the maintenance guys, a middle-aged Philipino man, noticed what we were trying to do & said that he’d be happy to take us on a tour to get it out of our system. We visited the basement & the man was kind enough to take us on the closed off upper floors. The upper floors were in a state of disrepair & very dirty & dark. The maintenance fellow told us of how he was up there one time during the day & when he turned around, saw the woman who had thrown herself off the balcony. “What did you do?” we asked. “What’d you think I did? I turned the other way & RAN!” he said.....

Andy said...

.....As we entered in the hallways of the abandoned fifth floor, a couple of flash lights in h&, I swear to you, we were all looking down the end of the hallway. At the end, there was an exit light. We ALL saw something dark pass in between us & the exit light. It was unmistakable, & of course, freaked all of us out. It had move from the right room at the end of the hall, across the hall, to the left room. The group of us carefully walked to the end of the hallway & entered into those rooms right before the exit light, but saw no one & saw no possible way that anyone could have entered into those rooms!

The tour ended late that night & most of the group went back to their rooms. Victor & I were pretty freaked out, so we went to another investigator’s room, Luis, who was also staying on the third floor. After a bit, Victor says he heard noises in the hallway & looked out the peephole. “Oh my God” he says. He opens the door as Luis & I get up to look. Of course I thought he was joking, but as CLEAR AS DAY, we both saw a very pale looking gentleman, dressed in a dark 19th Century suit & top hat, walk in front of our room, turn the corner up the stairs on the nearby staircase, the same stairs we had tried, & failed, to use to get into the upper floors (because they were blocked off). Without skipping a beat, Victor & I went up those stairs, but the man WAS GONE! There is no humanly possible way anyone could have gone up those stairs that fast & hidden from us. As we walked back down steps, petrified, there looking at us from the end of the hallway was the Phillipino maintenance tour guide, who was there smiling & pointing at the staircase we had just come out down from, like saying “You saw the ghost, right?” Victor & I took one look at each other & dashed into Luis’s room, locking the door. We refused to go to our own rooms, but Luis kicked us out. Victor ended up having to walk me to my room as scared as I was. I felt bad that Victor had to walk to his room by himself, but my God, I was never more scarred in my life! & of course, yet another night, up all night, hearing noises & footsteps from the top floors, with all the lights in my room on.

Thursday, we didn’t see anything further, but I became really sick that morning. I began to have a very sharp pain in between my shoulder blades, for some unknown reason. I was forced to miss a couple of my afternoon classes because I became so sick. Later in the evening, I saw what may have been the cause: during our Wednesday tour, a couple of fellas within our group were taking pictures in the dark in the upper floors. We saw a lot of orbs within the photographs. One close up picture of me with my back turned to the camera particularly stood out. Within the picture appeared to be the image of a ghostly skeletal h& pointing to the small of my back! Once again, sick as a dog with an aching pain between the shoulder blades, I tried to get some sleep with all the lights in the room on. At least the noises in the upper floors had stopped.

On Friday, our group decided we had had just about enough of Hotel Belleview Biltmore. We all elected to take our training tests early & get the heck out of there & head back to Miami. Once I returned to Miami, strangely, I really began to feel better & the pain in my back subsided. Never, EVER, will I go back to that hotel again. The place is truly, TRULY haunted.

Anonymous said...

My brother used to be a chef there. Got in with the security guys and took many dark trips to the 4th and 5th floors , the basement and all of its little secret passageways. The only thing in the Belleview Biltmore is rats, bats and birds.. thats about all thats going to jump out and go "boo" . Get a life people, there is no such thing as ghosts. You put yourself in a creepy place and let your pea sized brains go wild.. its pathetic.