Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Photos Beyond Reproach ?

There are photos that I would be happy to post on this blog and share with group members. But I have to admit that if my photos were criticized in a harsh way, I would be less than thrilled to share in the future.
My camera of choice is digital and I am trying to get in the habit of taking more than 1 photo in the same spot when I think I might have captured an anomalie. This way, if for example an orb shows up in 1 photo, it could be seen traveling in the next one.
I would enjoy seeing more group members share their own photos on this blog, and I hope people aren't being held back by fears of anyone implying their photos might be doctored with, through Photoshop or any other photo manipulation programs.
Personally, I don't know how to edit photos, other than to brighten/enhance them in the photo program I have-when the photos come out too dark to see what is in the background.
This is a free country and we are free to speak our mind, but is it too much to ask that if and when we criticize each others' photos-we treat each other with respect ?
I welcome constructive criticism and I do not claim to be a professional photographer. In fact, it would be wonderful if we had a professional photographer in our group who could objectively critique, debunk & offer alternate explanations to anything unusual we might capture on an investigation.
But to expect all our photos to be "beyond reproach" is a bit much, in my opinion.
We are learning as we go along and our most fascinating and impressive data, including photos, can be viewed as "circumstantial evidence" at best.
I do have a question for any Tampa Ghostwatcher who might have the answer.
Is it possible or even probable to have double-exposures with digital camera photos when the photo is taken at "automatic setting" ? If so...obviously this could account for some anomalies being explained.
Well, I hope to hear some replies.....and to see some more cool photos by members of our group. (come on jsuarez.....let's see what you've got !) We are here to share and to learn and we all have something good to contribute with each other.
In friendship and respect,


Jsuarez said...


I can answer your question: "Is it possible or even probable to have double-exposures with digital camera photos when the photo is taken at 'automatic setting'?" NO! Not directly on the camera.

It could be done with a little bit of photo editing by using one of the many Photo editors out there. This is not accusing your friend of doing so, this is just an expanded answer to your question. And you did bring up "Photoshop or any other photo manipulation programs."

I have yet to take a single picture of an Orb. Nor can I say that I have captured a ghost on film. That's one of the reason's why I joined this group in the first pace, to learn about Ghost Hunting, from people who appear to be serious about it just like you!

Fiona said...

Thank you for your quick reply.
Will you be at the meeting at Al's place ?
Keep an open mind and if you sense a presence joining us, don't hesitate to ask if you can take his or her picture. You might feel foolish at first-speaking into what seems like a void, but a little bit of faith and respect is often rewarded. There's nothing like a personal experience to help you believe and give off some positive energy.Light spirits feed off and respond to positive energy. Likewise, negativity draws lower level energies. To make a long story short, go into this with an open mind and a positive attitude and you won't be disappointed.
My wish for you is that you are able to capture a photo full of orbs, that can't be debunked as dust or moisture. Your first great photo will be sure to get you excited and I hope you will share it with your fellow ghost-hunters.

Jsuarez said...

I will not be joining you all tonight. My work schedule currently will not allow me to stay up past 11:00 PM most week nights. As I have to report to work by 6:00 AM every morning. So there will be no orbs in my sights tonight.

ollie said...

I had a picture that has a blurred face and body right in front of my camera and there was no other person in the room.

onyx said...

Ollie - Jsuarez would say that you must have made the photo yourself by double exposing it. Be careful...he is an "expert" you know. Just ask him. Good for you. I would like to see it at the meeting.

Spooky said...

Jsuarez - CB is correct. When I first started, I wasn't getting any orbs in my photos until I 'opened' up and started asking out loud if there were any spirits present to let me take their picture. Then I started getting all kinds of great pictures.